New Plastic Liner For Brakes, Clutches
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"It virtually never wears out," says Dave Bortz, president of Tribco, Inc., which has adapted the space age plastic fiber "Kevlar" for use on brake linings, clutch plates, automatic transmission friction discs, and other parts that would otherwise be lined with asbestos, bronze or other types of friction linings.
Bortz says the company tells customers the Kevlar composite linings will last 3 to 5 times longer than conventional linings because, "If we told people it will never wear out they wouldn't believe us," he told FARM SHOW. But for many applications, he says it appears there is virtually no wear.
Kevlar, which was developed as part of the space program, resists higher frictional heat and abuse and can be used wet in lubricated transmissions and assemblies.
"It delivers higher torque and smoother operation and virtually eliminates brake, transmission and clutch repair after it's installed because it also doesn't wear out opposing metal discs. We'll line or re-line any metal substrate, plate or shoe, or pro-vide retrofitted parts," says Bortz, noting that the company doesn't yet have parts available for all farm equipment, but will re-line any parts sent to their factory in Cleve-land, Ohio.
The only parts the company won't work with is brakes for over-the-road cars and trucks. "We're a relatively small company so we can't afford the liability insurance required to supply parts for brakes on high-way vehicles," says Bortz, noting that the new lining would nevertheless work well for those applications. Parts lined with the Kevlar composite cost 2 to 5 times as much, depending on the pan.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tribco, Inc., 1700 London Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44112 (ph 216 486-2000).

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New Plastic Liner for Brakes, Clutches MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 14-5-26 "It virtually never wears out," says Dave Bortz, president of Tribco, Inc., which has adapted the space age plastic fiber "Kevlar" for use on brake linings, clutch plates, automatic transmission friction discs, and other parts that would otherwise be lined with asbestos, bronze or other types of friction linings.
Bortz says the company tells customers the Kevlar composite linings will last 3 to 5 times longer than conventional linings because, "If we told people it will never wear out they wouldn't believe us," he told FARM SHOW. But for many applications, he says it appears there is virtually no wear.
Kevlar, which was developed as part of the space program, resists higher frictional heat and abuse and can be used wet in lubricated transmissions and assemblies.
"It delivers higher torque and smoother operation and virtually eliminates brake, transmission and clutch repair after it's installed because it also doesn't wear out opposing metal discs. We'll line or re-line any metal substrate, plate or shoe, or pro-vide retrofitted parts," says Bortz, noting that the company doesn't yet have parts available for all farm equipment, but will re-line any parts sent to their factory in Cleve-land, Ohio.
The only parts the company won't work with is brakes for over-the-road cars and trucks. "We're a relatively small company so we can't afford the liability insurance required to supply parts for brakes on high-way vehicles," says Bortz, noting that the new lining would nevertheless work well for those applications. Parts lined with the Kevlar composite cost 2 to 5 times as much, depending on the pan.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tribco, Inc., 1700 London Road, Cleve-land, Ohio 44112 (ph 216 486-2000).
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