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Safety Stirrup Designed To Prevent Dragging Deaths
A traumatic experience fueled Jimmie Simmons' desire to invent a safer stirrup for riding horses. He witnessed a 17-year-old girl get dragged to her death, and he decided right then and there that his own daughters wouldn't ride again until he found a safer stirrup.
    Since he could not find one on the market, Simmons set to work designing his own. After four years of extensive testing and many prototypes, he came up with the "Side Step Safety Stirrup".
    In addition to being safer, the new stirrup is more comfortable. The stirrup doesn't cause twisting of stirrup leathers and places much less stress on knees and ankles. It won't swivel away from your foot while mounting and is made from slightly flexible plastic which absorbs more of the shock when riding.
    In the event of a fall, a re-positioning safety arm with a stainless steel torsion spring releases your foot and simply goes back to the "closed" position. When in the closed position, there are 2 in. of vertical clearance for your foot. Even if you have a large foot or thick-soled boot, the arm will only "rest" on the top of your foot, not putting any pressure on it. The top end of the safety arm is "ball shaped" because this discourages anything from getting caught on the stirrup (i.e. your pant leg or branches). Another added advantage to the new stirrup is that there are no break-away parts to lose or replace.
    It fits all Western saddles and comes in eight colors (dark brown, medium Brown, golden brown, black, dark grey, burgundy, tan or rawhide). Later this year Simmons will be releasing an English style safety stirrup as well.
    Spring Creek Marketing provides a 30 day money back "total satisfaction guarantee" to ensure that customers won't be disappointed.
"Ride in them, get them scratched up or dirty û we don't care. If you don't like them, send ĉem back," Cohorst says.
    The Side Step Safety Stirrup sells for $129.95 per pair plus $10 for S&H. Checks, money orders, Visa, MC, AmEx and Discover are accepted.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Follow-up, Amy Cohorst, Spring Creek Marketing, 1107 Pony Express Hwy., Marysville, Kan. 66508 E-mail: info@surerider.com)

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #2