Add-On Fluted Seed Cup Control Adjusts Grain Drill Poplation On-The-Go
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You can adjust seed population rate on-the-go on Deere 750 or 1560 grain drills with a new fluted seed cup control that automatically adjusts the indexed control arm connected to each of the drill's seed cups to change the size of the flute openings.
The Pac I and Pac II consists of an electric actuator that mounts on the drill, a cab-mounted control box, and wiring harnesses. To change the size of the flute opening, you simply press a two-way switch on the control box.
"It's designed to be used with our drill monitor (Vol. 22, No. 3) although you can also use it with monitors from other manufacturers," says Darrell Farmer, Loup Electronics, Lincoln, Neb. "You look at the monitor to observe the existing seed population rate, then use the electric actuator to open or close the size of the flute openings on-the-go until the desired population is reached. It works great when changing soybean varieties because you don't have to get on and off the tractor all the time to manually adjust the openings.
"The 1560 Deere 15-ft. drill has one control arm. A 20-ft. Deere 750 drill has two control arms so we offer two different models, the PAC I and II. On 20-ft. drills, you can completely shut off the seed flow on half the to plant point rows."
The company also offers new optical blockage sensors for conventional drills and air seeders that allow you to monitor the seed flow on up to 106 rows at a time. Each sensor looks through a round hole drilled into the side of each seed tube. "It offers a lower cost way to determine whether the seed is flowing," says Farmer. "It doesn't count the population but just looks inside the seed tube to see if the seed is flowing."
The sensors sell for $40 apiece plus S&H.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Loup Electronics, Box 67252, Lincoln, Neb. 68506 (ph 402 420-7051; fax 402 489-5657).

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Add-On Fluted Seed Cup Control Adjusts Grain Drill Poplation On-The-Go DRILLS Drills (42C) 23-6-29 You can adjust seed population rate on-the-go on Deere 750 or 1560 grain drills with a new fluted seed cup control that automatically adjusts the indexed control arm connected to each of the drill's seed cups to change the size of the flute openings.
The Pac I and Pac II consists of an electric actuator that mounts on the drill, a cab-mounted control box, and wiring harnesses. To change the size of the flute opening, you simply press a two-way switch on the control box.
"It's designed to be used with our drill monitor (Vol. 22, No. 3) although you can also use it with monitors from other manufacturers," says Darrell Farmer, Loup Electronics, Lincoln, Neb. "You look at the monitor to observe the existing seed population rate, then use the electric actuator to open or close the size of the flute openings on-the-go until the desired population is reached. It works great when changing soybean varieties because you don't have to get on and off the tractor all the time to manually adjust the openings.
"The 1560 Deere 15-ft. drill has one control arm. A 20-ft. Deere 750 drill has two control arms so we offer two different models, the PAC I and II. On 20-ft. drills, you can completely shut off the seed flow on half the to plant point rows."
The company also offers new optical blockage sensors for conventional drills and air seeders that allow you to monitor the seed flow on up to 106 rows at a time. Each sensor looks through a round hole drilled into the side of each seed tube. "It offers a lower cost way to determine whether the seed is flowing," says Farmer. "It doesn't count the population but just looks inside the seed tube to see if the seed is flowing."
The sensors sell for $40 apiece plus S&H.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Loup Electronics, Box 67252, Lincoln, Neb. 68506 (ph 402 420-7051; fax 402 489-5657).
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