"Car Dollies" Let One Person Slide Vehicle Sideways Into Tight Spots
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If space is tight in your garage or machine shed, you'll like these "car dollies" that let you turn your car or pickup sideways to slide it into a tight spot. You simply jack up each wheel and slide the dolly under, says NMW Products, Raritan, N.J.
"It lets you make the most of your available space because you can store a vehicle in small areas which you can only get into sideways," says Al Dauernheim.
"Roll-Masters" are available in widths from 12 to 20 in. wide and roll on industrial ball bearing castors. The tire fits in a depression on top of the dolly, which raises the vehicle just 1 in. off the ground.
"You can use the dollies to move everything from cars to dually pickups to light duty dump trucks, and even some motorhomes," says Dauernheim. "A set of four 12-in. wide dollies has a total capacity of 3,000 lbs. while a set of 20-in. wide dollies has a total capacity of 12,000 lbs. They work great for storing antique cars û you can roll a car on a flat floor all by yourself. No matter how small the space, once the vehicle is on two dollies, you don't have to worry about getting it out again. Just jack it up and put it on dollies to slide it out."
A set of four 12-in. wide, 3,000-lb. capacity Roll-Masters sells for $180 plus S&H; a set of four 20-in. wide, 12,000-lb. capacity Roll-Masters sells for $360 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, NMW Products, 35 Orlando Dr., Raritan, N.J. 08869 (ph 908 526-3800).

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"Car Dollies" Let One Person Slide Vehicle Sideways Into Tight Spots FARM HOME Cars 23-6-29 If space is tight in your garage or machine shed, you'll like these "car dollies" that let you turn your car or pickup sideways to slide it into a tight spot. You simply jack up each wheel and slide the dolly under, says NMW Products, Raritan, N.J.
"It lets you make the most of your available space because you can store a vehicle in small areas which you can only get into sideways," says Al Dauernheim.
"Roll-Masters" are available in widths from 12 to 20 in. wide and roll on industrial ball bearing castors. The tire fits in a depression on top of the dolly, which raises the vehicle just 1 in. off the ground.
"You can use the dollies to move everything from cars to dually pickups to light duty dump trucks, and even some motorhomes," says Dauernheim. "A set of four 12-in. wide dollies has a total capacity of 3,000 lbs. while a set of 20-in. wide dollies has a total capacity of 12,000 lbs. They work great for storing antique cars û you can roll a car on a flat floor all by yourself. No matter how small the space, once the vehicle is on two dollies, you don't have to worry about getting it out again. Just jack it up and put it on dollies to slide it out."
A set of four 12-in. wide, 3,000-lb. capacity Roll-Masters sells for $180 plus S&H; a set of four 20-in. wide, 12,000-lb. capacity Roll-Masters sells for $360 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, NMW Products, 35 Orlando Dr., Raritan, N.J. 08869 (ph 908 526-3800).
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