1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #24
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Valve Stops Liquid Fertilizer Drips
Liquid fertilizer won't drip out of hoses on your planter at the end of the field with this new valve installed between the hose and outlet tube, according to the manufacturer.The 1 1/2 by 4-in. valve is equipped with a 1/2-lb. stainless steel spring that has an 0-ring seat mounted on top of it. When you turn the sprayer pump on, the increased pressure inside the hose causes the spring to compress and the valve opens up. When you shut off the pump, the decreased pressure lets the spring expand, closing the valve.
"It keeps hoses full so your planter al-ways applies a full rate of fertilizer," says Stewart Whitney, inventor. "The problem is that when you turn at the end of the field the fertilizer drips out. By the time you start planting again, hoses are empty, and you can go up to 30 ft. before the full rate is applied again. If our valve should ever fail, it would fail in the open position so you would be no worse off than if the valve had never been installed."
A hose barb screws into the top of the valve. You slide the hose over the barb and clamp it on. The bottom part of the valve has 1/2-in. threads which screw into the top of the fertilizer outlet tube. If the outlet tube has 1/4 or 3/8-in. threads, you can install a reducer bushing inside the valve.
Sells for $12.95.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stewart Whitney, Whitney Valve, 10442 Linwood Rd., Pavilion, N.Y. 14525 (ph 800 724-1806 or 716 768-2194).

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