1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #33
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Compact Power Puller
I developed this Compact Power Puller to remove even the most stubborn bushings and bearings from blind holes, dead-end shafts or open centers. I originally got the idea in the course of my job as an ag equipment mechanic as a way to remove spherical bushings (uni-balls) from the outward shaft of the rotor drive gearbox on combines. In this application alone, the bearing puller saves 4 to 8 hrs. of time on each job. In addition, the new puller greatly reduces the difficulty and eliminates the risk of dam-age to seals and shafts that often happens with conventional methods.The Compact Power Puller will remove ball and roller bearings, bushings of soft or hard steel, and pilot bearings or bushings from any make of engine, hydraulic pump, starter, alternator, air conditioner, etc.. It's available in a wide range of sizes to accommodate a multitude of bushing and bearing sizes and is precision-made from high tensile steel. Prices range from $249 for the 1-in. puller to $205 for the 1/2-in. size. (Ron Parrott, Parrott Farm, P.O. Box 105, Franklin, Manitoba R0J 0S0 Canada ph 204 476-3968 or 2725)

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