1999 - Volume #23, Issue #6, Page #06
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Long-Lasting, Industrial-Size Burn Barrels
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"I've built 175 trash burners since I started making them in 1989," says Don Bartels, Lytton, Iowa. "They range in size from 300 up to 2,000 gals., with walls typically 1/16 to 1/8 in. thick. They'll last eight years or longer depending on use.
"I use old fuel barrels that I get at farm auctions. I make sure the barrels are thoroughly cleaned out before cutting a clean-out door in one end and a loading door in one side. I put hinges on the cut-outs, then reattach them. I install 36 or 48-in. tall chimneys made out of 8-in. dia. steel elevator auger tubing with a piece of grating over the opening so big pieces of burning material don't float up and out the chimney. I cut a series of 2 to 4-in. long slits in the bottom of the barrels to let water drain out.
"You can make the access door big enough to burn large items like packing crates or pallets." Bartel's burners sell for $150 up to $300. He'll make plans available for $15 if there's interest.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Don Bartels, 2442 Xavier Ave., Lytton, Iowa 50561 (ph 712 466-2450).

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