Look Alike Rubber-Tracked Tractor
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"It's better than a Caterpillar," says Terry Hallam, spokesman for Track Marshall Ltd. about the company's new "look alike" rubber-tracked tractor that's almost identical to Caterpillar's Challenger except for the name painted on the side.
The new tracked tractor is actually built in Australia by Waltana, a small manufacturer that is challenging Caterpillar's patent on the new tractor design with a copy-cat machine (see FARM SHOW's Vol. 14, No. 1). Although Caterpillar and Waltana are now fighting a battle in court, the upstart company has started exporting its machine to England where it's sold under the Marshall name.
Caterpillar spokesman Steve Newhouse would not comment on the Waltana tractor because of the pending lawsuit. More than 1,000 Challenger tractors have been sold world wide and the company just introduced a new larger model with 55 more horsepower. The company is also reportedly testing smaller models but has no definite plans yet for their introduction.
Marshall tractor representatives say the Waltana tractor they're selling is actually a better tractor than the Challenger because of the drive system it uses on its belt. "It has positive drive teeth on the belt so it can't slip. Caterpillar's tractor uses more of a friction drive. They've had trouble with slippage," says Hallam, adding that the 200 hp. Marshall tractor is also 75 hp. smaller than the 275 hp. Challenger 65. Marshall and Waltana are reportedly testing an even smaller 150 hp. model.
The Marshall tractor has electro-hydraulic drive ana is equippea with a s-pL. ana pto so it'll handle any farm implement. Features a tilt-up cab for easy access to all engine and drive line components. It sells for about $140,000, which is 25% less than the price for a Caterpillar Challenger in England
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Track Marshall Ltd., Britannia Works, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire DN212EX England (ph 0427 612301; fax 0427 612309).

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Look Alike Rubber-tracked Tractor TRACTORS New Tractors 14-5-21 "It's better than a Caterpillar," says Terry Hallam, spokesman for Track Marshall Ltd. about the company's new "look alike" rubber-tracked tractor that's almost identical to Caterpillar's Challenger except for the name painted on the side.
The new tracked tractor is actually built in Australia by Waltana, a small manufacturer that is challenging Caterpillar's patent on the new tractor design with a copy-cat machine (see FARM SHOW's Vol. 14, No. 1). Although Caterpillar and Waltana are now fighting a battle in court, the upstart company has started exporting its machine to England where it's sold under the Marshall name.
Caterpillar spokesman Steve Newhouse would not comment on the Waltana tractor because of the pending lawsuit. More than 1,000 Challenger tractors have been sold world wide and the company just introduced a new larger model with 55 more horsepower. The company is also reportedly testing smaller models but has no definite plans yet for their introduction.
Marshall tractor representatives say the Waltana tractor they're selling is actually a better tractor than the Challenger because of the drive system it uses on its belt. "It has positive drive teeth on the belt so it can't slip. Caterpillar's tractor uses more of a friction drive. They've had trouble with slippage," says Hallam, adding that the 200 hp. Marshall tractor is also 75 hp. smaller than the 275 hp. Challenger 65. Marshall and Waltana are reportedly testing an even smaller 150 hp. model.
The Marshall tractor has electro-hydraulic drive ana is equippea with a s-pL. ana pto so it'll handle any farm implement. Features a tilt-up cab for easy access to all engine and drive line components. It sells for about $140,000, which is 25% less than the price for a Caterpillar Challenger in England
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Track Marshall Ltd., Britannia Works, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire DN212EX England (ph 0427 612301; fax 0427 612309).
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