Commericial Backhoe For Kids
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"It's built strong to last long," say manufacturers of this new mini-backhoe for kids. Everything on the rig is made out of heavy-gauge metal except for the handles and the seat. The base pivots 360? and the bucket really picks up dirt and moves it. Comes complete with a plastic hardhat.
Sells for $68.88. Special discounts avail-able for clubs or civic organizations wanting to sell them as a fund-raising project.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, LM Products, Inc., P.O. Box 452, Cold Spring, Minn. 56320 (ph 612 685-8672).

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Commericial backhoe for kids AG WORLD Ag World 14-5-19 "It's built strong to last long," say manufacturers of this new mini-backhoe for kids. Everything on the rig is made out of heavy-gauge metal except for the handles and the seat. The base pivots 360? and the bucket really picks up dirt and moves it. Comes complete with a plastic hardhat.
Sells for $68.88. Special discounts avail-able for clubs or civic organizations wanting to sell them as a fund-raising project.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, LM Products, Inc., P.O. Box 452, Cold Spring, Minn. 56320 (ph 612 685-8672).
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