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Inexpensive Saddle Lock
Here's an inexpensive way to make a saddle lock that will frustrate all but the most deter-mined of thieves. It consists of two pieces of 5/8-in. rebar - 4 ft. long and 1 ft. long. The 1-ft. piece is welded across the top of the 4-ft. piece to make a "T". Then take two pieces of 1/4 by 1-in. bar stock 3 in. long. Weld one to the head of a 1/2-in. machine bolt 3 in. long. Weld the other piece of bar stock to the bottom of the re-bar. Then drill a hole in each piece so they can be joined together by a padlock with a hardened steel hasp. Drill the bolt into the floor and anchor with some kind of bonding compound, if you've got a concrete floor. If you've got a dirt floor, dig a hole and fill it with concrete to anchor the bolt. (Bil Mushake, Butterbee Ranch, 8230 NW County Rd 0150, Rice, Tex. 75155 ph 903 326-5621)

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #5