First-Of-Its-Kind System Allows You To Vary Manure Application On-The-Go
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"It's a first in the industry," says Balzer Inc. about its variable rate technology (VRT) system for liquid manure tank wagons. Designed to be controlled from the tractor cab by computer and GPS satellite equipment, it consists of a German-built flow meter and pinch valve that precisely vary rates on-the-go. The system installs between the discharge and injectors on tank wagons and handles application rates of from 0 to 10,000 gal. per acre.
System is suitable for fields that are al-ready plotted on computerized field maps to those that are only grid sampled. It's compatible with most major GPS equipment.
"The system helps to maximize nutrient value of the manure," says Balzer's Randy McMahon. "For example, if a 4,000-gal. tank wagon contains $65 in fertilizer value, you're using that $65 at exactly the right levels and only where it's needed."
The system is designed for use with Balzer tank wagons but can be adapted to most other makes, he says.
Sells for $12,000 to $15,000 excluding computer hardware, software, etc.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Balzer Manufacturing, Cnty. Rd. 27, Box 458, Mountain Lake, Minn. 56159 (ph 800 795-8551 or 507 427-3133).

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First-Of-Its-Kind System Allows You To Vary Manure Application On-The-Go MANURE HANDLING Equipment 22-2-12 "It's a first in the industry," says Balzer Inc. about its variable rate technology (VRT) system for liquid manure tank wagons. Designed to be controlled from the tractor cab by computer and GPS satellite equipment, it consists of a German-built flow meter and pinch valve that precisely vary rates on-the-go. The system installs between the discharge and injectors on tank wagons and handles application rates of from 0 to 10,000 gal. per acre.
System is suitable for fields that are al-ready plotted on computerized field maps to those that are only grid sampled. It's compatible with most major GPS equipment.
"The system helps to maximize nutrient value of the manure," says Balzer's Randy McMahon. "For example, if a 4,000-gal. tank wagon contains $65 in fertilizer value, you're using that $65 at exactly the right levels and only where it's needed."
The system is designed for use with Balzer tank wagons but can be adapted to most other makes, he says.
Sells for $12,000 to $15,000 excluding computer hardware, software, etc.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Balzer Manufacturing, Cnty. Rd. 27, Box 458, Mountain Lake, Minn. 56159 (ph 800 795-8551 or 507 427-3133).
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