Drive Through Cattle Gate
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"Last summer I had trouble when some of my cattle learned to cross a cattle guard. At first it was just 2 or 3 head, but then the whole herd followed," says Gerald Lintner, Jackson, Mo., who came up with an "electric" drive through gate that solved the problem.
"I didn't want to put a conventional gate across the road because of the amount of traffic on the road. This gate consists of a PVC pipe frame with 12 lengths of 300 ohm TV wire hanging down from the crossbar. I scraped off several 1-in. sections of insulation from the bottom 12 in. of each wire. The wires are hooked up to an electric fencer and positioned so that the bottom ends are about 18 in. off the ground. If a cow tries to walk through, he gets shocked but a car or truck can drive through with no problem. The plastic insulation allows the wires to slide over vehicles without scratching the finish.
"The frame is made of 2 1/4-in. dia. PVC pipe. The gate is 10 ft. high and 10 ft. wide and is fitted with 10-ft. wide feet so it's self-standing. An electric wife runs up one leg and across the top. The drop wires are spaced 10 in. apart.
"Since I put up the gate I haven't had a cow get out. Total cost to build it was less than $50. It could easily be made larger or smaller. I could furnish eomplete plans for the gate, if anyone is interested."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gerald Lintner, 317 N. Missouri St., Jackson, Mo. 63755 (ph 314 243-7693).

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Drive through cattle gate FENCING Gates 15-3-9 "Last summer I had trouble when some of my cattle learned to cross a cattle guard. At first it was just 2 or 3 head, but then the whole herd followed," says Gerald Lintner, Jackson, Mo., who came up with an "electric" drive through gate that solved the problem.
"I didn't want to put a conventional gate across the road because of the amount of traffic on the road. This gate consists of a PVC pipe frame with 12 lengths of 300 ohm TV wire hanging down from the crossbar. I scraped off several 1-in. sections of insulation from the bottom 12 in. of each wire. The wires are hooked up to an electric fencer and positioned so that the bottom ends are about 18 in. off the ground. If a cow tries to walk through, he gets shocked but a car or truck can drive through with no problem. The plastic insulation allows the wires to slide over vehicles without scratching the finish.
"The frame is made of 2 1/4-in. dia. PVC pipe. The gate is 10 ft. high and 10 ft. wide and is fitted with 10-ft. wide feet so it's self-standing. An electric wife runs up one leg and across the top. The drop wires are spaced 10 in. apart.
"Since I put up the gate I haven't had a cow get out. Total cost to build it was less than $50. It could easily be made larger or smaller. I could furnish eomplete plans for the gate, if anyone is interested."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gerald Lintner, 317 N. Missouri St., Jackson, Mo. 63755 (ph 314 243-7693).
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