1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #27
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Chopper Also Tills, Aerates
"We think it's the most exciting new tillage tool developed in years," says Keith Romack distributor for a first-of-its-kind new stalk chopper and field aerator from Gleve Corp., Poseyville, Ind., that consists of a large 18-in. dia. steel drum fitted with angled steel blades that chop up residue and also till the soil yet leave plenty of residue on top.The basic design of the new "Res Max 90" is similar to that of the Aer-Way tiller developed in Europe that has been on the North American market for the past few years. The difference is that it's much more aggressive due to the larger drum and more widely spaced teeth that are set at an angle for more aggressive tillage.
The Res Max 90 is available in sizes from 12 to 30 ft. wide. The 12-ft model has 200 teeth on it, each sharpened on the forward edge and set at about a 10 percent tilt to one side so they open up the soil surface as they dig down into it. Teeth are spaced on 6-in. centers in staggered rows also spaced 6 in. apart.
A 4-in. sq. steel tube frame supports the drum. Weight of 12-ft. model is 2,400 lbs.
"It's designed to be used on corn stalks, wheat stubble, soybeans stubble and on any other ground. Teeth work 6 to 8 in. deep at 10 mph without covering residue," says Romack. The 12-ft. model sells for $7,200.
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, Gleve Corporation, Box 490, Poseyville, Ind. 47633 (ph 800 453-8326 or 812 874-3385).

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