1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #19
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Half-Scale Tractors Are Crowd Pleasers
"They're half the size but double the fun," says Jewell Niemann, St. Edwards, Neb., about his crowd-pleasing half-scale tractors ù a Deere and an International. They both work, look and even sound like the real tractors they represent.Model "D" John Deere ù "It took me about two years to complete in my spare time. The engine is from a Deere pull-type combine made in the 1950's. It's water-cooled, magnetofired, and has the distinctive 'put-put' sound of a Deere. I removed the cast iron flywheel housing to have an open flywheel and redesigned the oil pump suction tube so it would operate in the traditional Deere horizontal position. A redesigned radiator from a 2-cyl. light plant was the right size and worked perfectly, using the thermo-syphon principle. A self-propelled combine transmission and differential serve as the tractor's rear end. It's equipped with a pulley and drawbar and develops about 15 drawbar horsepower. It has three speeds forward. Maximum forward speed is 4 mph."
W-1 International: "The engine is a 4-cyl., water-cooled Cub power unit used in the IH model 64 pull-type combine made in the 1950's. The sheet metal (shortened and narrowed) is from a Farmall C. The front axle, transmission, differential and brakes are from an IH Cadet. The ring and pinion had to be reversed to accommodate the clockwise rotation of the 4 cyl. engine. The wheels (15 in. dia.) are from an International pickup of 1950's vintage. Junked foreign cars supplied the radiator and some steering parts."
Niemann is working on a book of plans that he hopes to have published soon. "It will give all construction details of the various items I used, and suggest possible substitutes. No lathe work was necessary in either of the two half-scale tractors I've built. Tools I used included a welder, cutting torch, cut-off saw, drill press, and body and fender tools."
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jewell Niemann, Rt. 2, Box 310, St. Edward, Neb. 68660 (ph 402 678-3325).

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