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Weigh Scale Trailer, Pig Loader Bucket
"My neighbor uses it all the time," says Mark Johnson, Cylinder, Iowa, about the hog weigh scale trailer he built for his neighbor, Jeff Berkland, who has a farrowto-finish operation.
"It lets him weigh hogs on the spot rather than haul them to the elevator weigh scale 6 miles away.
"Jeff already had the weigh axles, hitch, and electronic scale off an Artsway mixer he bought from a dealer. I attached them to a stretched, widened Artsway grinder frame and used wire mesh flooring for the bed. Hog gates were used for the front, back and sides of the trailer. There's a fold-down ramp at the back.
"The trailer measures 7 by 15 ft. A 12-volt battery mounts on a platform attached to the side of the trailer, as does the weigh scale.
"I also made a handy pig carrier out of a loader bucket by making gates out of pipe and wire mesh that simply pin together across the front and sides of a bucket, held in place by brackets on the bucket. It's a convenient way to move a bunch of pigs at once. Because it's on the loader, you can reach it into the pens, making it easier to load and unload. When you're done, the sides come right off so you can use it as a bucket again."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mark K. Johnson, 3420 570 Ave., Cylinder, Iowa 50528.

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2