Life-Like Cow Sculptures Fool Passersby

They don't eat, they don't kick and they'll never die. Otherwise, these life-size aluminum cows created by Dennis Hensley, are almost like the real thing.

Bessie stands on her feet and Bossy lies down. Both replicas are traffic-stoppers for Hensley.

When Hensley first ran across one of the cows, he tracked it back to the factory and gained distribution rights. He discovered that only one cow is made each week. However, he was sure there was a market for them, and he was right. The first one he took to a flea market sold in five minutes to a farmer.

"Interest was tremendous," recalls Hensley. "People can't walk past without stopping to look at it. When you see it, you would swear it was alive."

Hensley figures the cows would be equally attention getting in front of farm supply stores, restaurants and dairy farms.