Blacksmith Hand-Forges Old Garden Tools For Modern Uses

Blacksmith Hand-Forges Old Garden Tools For Modern Uses A garden tool with a ball on the handle recently caught our eye. Aptly named the ball weeder, the design dates back to the early 1900's. The 2 1/2-in. dia. knob works as a fulcrum for leverage (with a 10-in. handle) on soft or wet soil to pry out tap-rooted weeds with the two-pronged fork. It's a good tool for working in flowerbeds or taking out lawn weeds, says blacksmith Bob Denman who makes the weeder and many other tools at his Oregon-based business, Red Pig Garden Tools.

Blacksmith Hand-Forges Old Garden Tools For Modern UsesYou won't find garden hand tools like his at hardware stores or in big box stores. First of all, Denman's tools are hand-forged. Secondly, his designs replicate tools that date back for centuries. "I've found out everything I could about tools all the way back to the Stone Age, and there have been literally up to 30,000 versions of farming and gardening tools," says the tool expert who is writing a book that includes 24 categories of hand garden tools. When he discovers tool designs he finds useful for specific tasks, he makes them and sells them through his business and website. Currently he offers more than 200 different tools.

"Generally hand-forged tools are stronger than stamped tools." Denman says. He uses thicker material and the process of hammering hot steel condenses molecules for a hard surface and soft center that doesn't bend or snap. Many of his most popular tools are long-handled tools with specific purposes.

For example, the berry hoBlacksmith Hand-Forges Old Garden Tools For Modern Usesok is ideal for cutting out blackberry canes. Formerly called the forester's chisel, it has a hook on a chisel head. After stabbing it against the base of the cane and cutting halfway through, the hook is used to pull the bottom of the cane forward so the thorny plant falls away from you. The hook is also used to drag the plant in a pile — without ever touching the thorny stems. The tool also works well to cut and drag out English Ivy.

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