Lazy Man's Bird Feeder

Lazy Man's Bird FeederI like feeding birds but I don't like having to refill feeders all the time. That's why I finally got around to copying an idea from a FARM SHOW story 2 years ago (Vol. 36, No. 6).

John Dougoveto's idea was to fill up a large water jug with sunflower seeds, and make a perch at one end using a chunk of stiff wire and a couple of radiator hose clamps.

I hung the feeder under the 3-ft. overhang right outside my office window. It took a couple days, but since the birds started coming there has been a steady stream of them.

What I like about this feeder is that it holds a lot of seed and it seems there's a lot less waste because birds hop right inside to grab seeds. I bought the 3-gal. water jug for $17 online at

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