1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #33
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Bushel Meter Mounts On Any Grain Auger
"It's the simplest and most accurate bushel counter yet," says U.S. distributor Charles Corfman who's handling the new Agrofarm bushel counter from Denmark.The new metering unit takes just 15 min. to install. A metal "flap" mounts at the unloading end of the flighting. As grain is augered out of the auger, it pushes against the flap which sends signals to an electronic monitoring unit. The volume movement of grain against the measuring flap is converted into bushels automatically, and the quantity appears on the LED screen. You have to calibrate it for each auger it's used on by simply running a known quantity of grain through the auger and adjusting the meter.
"Custom applicators who've been using it tell me it's nearly 100% accurate and always within 1 or 2 bushels of the elevator count. We tell people it's always at least 95% accurate," says Corfman.
The DC-powered electric meter is most popular on combine load-out augers but can be used on any auger around the farm. Corfman says it works great for figuring rations when augering grain into grinder-mixers.
Sells for $270.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Corfman Distributing Co., 9057 State Rd. 83N, Holmesville, Ohio 44633 (ph 216 279-4393).

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