Spill Proof Tub Holder
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Some of our horses used to like to spill and play with their water tubs, getting them dirty. Every chore time we had to rinse dirt and manure out of their tubs. Even if we attached the tub to a fence, that didn't stop "foot dunkers" who'd paw the tub and get the water dirty. Finally we made a "spill-proof" tub holder out of two old tires that solved the problem. It gets the water tub up high enough off the ground so horses can't paw it with their feet. We put a heavy, wide tire on the bottom and a smaller one on top. The top tires has just the right inside diameter so our water tub fits down snugly into it. When it's full of water, it's impossible for the horses to pull it out and the tires are heavy enough that the horses can't move them around. Also, tires won't hurt the horses if they run into them. (Heather Smith Thomas, Box 215, Salmon, Idaho 83467)

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Spill Proof Tub Holder LIVESTOCK Horses/Mules 14-5-34 Some of our horses used to like to spill and play with their water tubs, getting them dirty. Every chore time we had to rinse dirt and manure out of their tubs. Even if we attached the tub to a fence, that didn't stop "foot dunkers" who'd paw the tub and get the water dirty. Finally we made a "spill-proof" tub holder out of two old tires that solved the problem. It gets the water tub up high enough off the ground so horses can't paw it with their feet. We put a heavy, wide tire on the bottom and a smaller one on top. The top tires has just the right inside diameter so our water tub fits down snugly into it. When it's full of water, it's impossible for the horses to pull it out and the tires are heavy enough that the horses can't move them around. Also, tires won't hurt the horses if they run into them. (Heather Smith Thomas, Box 215, Salmon, Idaho 83467)
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