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Roll-Up Sticky Fly Trap
"You can use it inside or out," says the manufacturer of a sticky fly trap that has 50 ft. of sticky paper that rolls out from one roller to another as needed.
It can be mounted on a pole or hung from a hook. Part of what makes it so effective is that the tape comes out in a cylinder shape and then rolls up flat on the two reels.
"It doesn't contain any chemicals or odors and greatly reduces the need for pesticides. Some farmers in Arizona and California have reduced their use of pesticides by 50 percent," says spokesman Mike Kretas. "It works excellent in cotton fields and can also be used on other row crops as well as with vegetable and orchard crops. The bright yellow color is a visual attractant to a majority of insects, and the cylinder shape of the tape allows it to be seen from 360 degrees so bugs can't miss it. Unlike dry or liquid fly bait it won't blow or wash away and flies can't become immune to it. It's rain and wind-proof and will last 6 months to a year depending on bug infestation levels.
"We recommend placing the units about 120 ft. apart at the edge of the field. It also works great in high fly concentration areas such as stables and barns, and since it's odor-less and nontoxic it's also ideal for use around patios and recreational areas. You can wait until the exposed surface area is almost black with insects before you release more tape."
Sells for $69.95. Other sizes are avail-able, including a 2-in. dia. plastic in-home unit containing 25 ft. of tape that sells for $30.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Superior Organics, 610 W. Broadway, No. 220, Tempe, Ariz. 85282 (ph toll-free 888 836-7329 or 602 784-4024).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #6