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Combination Harrow/Drag
"It's the perfect tool for rocky ground because it doesn't pull rocks up," says Melvin Kimbrough, Stark City, Mo., inventor of a new-style harrow.
Kimbrough has field tested his triangular-shaped harrow - which is outfitted with sloping plow points - for the past 5 years. "It's ideal in rocky ground and around stumps. It'll also function as a pasture renovator by removing some of the teeth and pulling it with about 700 lbs. of added weight. When used to level plowed ground, I leave all 18 teeth in place. By simply turning the harrow over, it can be used as a drag to level ground."
The heavy-duty harrow frame itself weighs about 500 lbs. without any teeth on it. The teeth are made from used chisel plow points that can be adjusted up and down for varying field conditions. They don't pull rocks and other debris to the surface because they're sloped backwards, says Kimbrough.
The harrow is 8 ft. wide and is fitted with a 3-pt. hitch for transport that can be quickly removed in the field.
"In tough pasture ground it'll cut 2 to 3 in. deep. We sometimes pull it ahead of a 4,000 lb. roller working alfalfa ground. We normally weigh it down with 600 to 800 lbs. of weight," says Kimbrough.
He builds the harrows in sizes up to 14 ft. wide. An 8-ft. wide model with 18 teeth sells for about $500.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Melvin Kimbrough, Rt. 1, Stark City, Mo. 64866.

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #5