Home Built Hay Feeder
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This is a hay feeder I built out of material laying around the shop. It works great for horses and will hold 3 square bales of hay and has a trough for grain. I used two 30- gal. plastic barrels, cut lengthwise with the ends bolted together. I put 1 by 1-in. angle iron all the way around the edge and one down the middle to form a cap. I used 1 1/ 4-in. pipe for the legs. The angled feeding bars that hold the hay are made from 1/2-in. dia. pipe. I put 1 1/4-in. dia. runners on the bottom of the legs so it can be moved easier. (Jerry Miles, 1231 Ames, Spearfish, S. Dak. 57783 ph 605 642-3713)

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Home Built Hay Feeder LIVESTOCK Feeding Equipment 21-3-36 This is a hay feeder I built out of material laying around the shop. It works great for horses and will hold 3 square bales of hay and has a trough for grain. I used two 30- gal. plastic barrels, cut lengthwise with the ends bolted together. I put 1 by 1-in. angle iron all the way around the edge and one down the middle to form a cap. I used 1 1/ 4-in. pipe for the legs. The angled feeding bars that hold the hay are made from 1/2-in. dia. pipe. I put 1 1/4-in. dia. runners on the bottom of the legs so it can be moved easier. (Jerry Miles, 1231 Ames, Spearfish, S. Dak. 57783 ph 605 642-3713)
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