1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #10
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Swing Set A-Frame Hoist
A home-built 24 by 16-ft A-frame hoist on wheels allows Spencer Frost, Monticello, Utah, to lift and move heavy equipment anywhere inside his 50 by 24-ft combination machine shed-shop."The hoist slides back and forth on the top I-beam. It's built strong enough that I can even hoist combine motors," says Frost, who notes the wheel under each leg supports 5,000 lbs. and rides on roller bearings.
Frost made the frame from used 3-in. dia. drill stem (with 3/8-in. sidewalls), bolting the A-frame sides of the hoist to the I-beam the way a child's swing set fits together. To form the I-beam he welded together two 10-in. U-channel irons. If necessary the hoist can be dissassembled and moved outside of the shop.
Frost estimates he spent $650 to build the hoist
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Spencer Frost, Box 1123, Monticello, Utah 84535 (ph 801587-2079).

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