1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #06
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He Put Together A 300 HP Tractor For Just $12500
Dennis Katterheinrich, New Knoxville, Ohio, bought a used Massey Ferguson 1805 tractor for $10,000, replacing the blown engine with a Detroit 8V-71 engine and 13 speed road ranger transmission from an old semi truck. The engine and transmission cost $2,500 so Katterheinrich spent a total of $12,500 for the 300 hp tractor.The original transfer case was used. Katterheinrich lengthened the hood and frame of the tractor by 12 in. to accommodate the added length of the engine and transmission and installed dual exhaust stacks. Otherwise, the tractor looks original. "I use it for field cultivating, moldboard plowing and chisel plow¡ing," he notes.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Katterheinrich Repair, Rt 1 Box 98 Moulton-New Knowville Rd., New Knoxville, Ohio 45871 (ph 419 753-2817)

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