1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #31
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Rolling Recliner For Seniors, Handicapped
"I built the first WheelLounger for my mother. She had to live in a care center and didn't want to be tied into a wheelchair to keep from falling out," recalls Edgar Hetteen, Roseau, Minn., inventor-manufacturer."Our new WheelLounger combines wheelchair mobility with easy-chair comfort. It gives people, who must normally use wheelchairs, an alternative that's safe, comfortable, and adds to their lifestyle," explains Hetteen, inventor of the first commercial snowmobile and founder of the Polaris and Arctic Cat companies.
Like a wheelchair, the Wheel-Lounger rides on wheels and can be rolled from room to room, even on carpeting, by the rider.
However, unlike a wheelchair, the WheelLounger can be adjusted to provide a comfortable, custom-fit for nearly anyone by adjusting the seat, back and armrests. The innovative chair's designed for indoor use only and isn't collapsible for transport. Its naugahyde padding provides a comfortable cushion, yet is durable, washable, stain and mildew resistant, and flame retardant, according to Hetteen.
Overall, the chair is 27-in. wide, 36-long and has 24-in. dia. rear wheels and 5-in. dia. front casters. It fits under most tables and is equipped with a one-lever brake that locks both side wheels.
WheelLounger prices range from $875 to $975. Optional accessories include headrest, side-bolsters, padded armrests, and front tray.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, May Corporation, Edgar Hetteen, Star Rt. 4, Box 120, Roseau, Minn. 56751 (ph 218 425-7516).

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