1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #11
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Pop Can Electric Fence
"Tieing empty aluminum pop cans onto an electric fence makes it more visible and keeps cattle from breaking through the fence before they see it. The cans also conduct electricity," says Harry Franklin, who has used the idea for the past four years on his own cow-calf operation near Wakefield, Quebec.Franklin punches a hole in the bottom of the can, passes a wire through both ends, and ties the can on the fence. The cans are spaced every 25 to 50 ft. and hang about 6 in. below the fence.
"It's almost unbelievable how much it increases the efficiency of an electric fence," says Franklin. "I have lots of electric fences on my farm and had problems with cattle breaking through them. The problem is that the first time cattle see the fence they aren't afraid of it and will walk right through it before they even receive a shock. The pop cans sway in the wind and are much more visible than the electric fence. The sight of the cans makes cattle more cautious. I use aluminum wire wire because it conducts electricity. After cattle get a shock they back away and stay away. If there's a dip in the ground I hang the cans down farther from the fence so cattle aren't as likely to try crawling under it."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harry Franklin, Rt. 3, Wakefield, Quebec Canada J0X 3G0 (ph 819 459-2011).

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