V-Plow Built From Scratch
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I built this big V-plow from scratch. It gets used every winter and will take everything the tractor can dish out. After the brackets are mounted on the tractor, it only takes two minutes to put on. You only have to put two pins on the 5-in. channel iron axle brackets and put a chain in the slot on front.
The hardest part of building it was forming the curve in the heavy sheets of iron. I formed them by laying them on the ground on top of blocks of wood and then driving the tractor over them. I welded a hook to the point of the plow so if a vehicle is stuck in a driveway, I can plow right up to the bumper, hook the chain on, and pull it out backwards. (Carlton Schwefel, Rt. 2, Box 177, Watertown, Wis. 53098 ph 414 925-3723)

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V-Plow Built From Scratch MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Earth Movers 21-3-35 I built this big V-plow from scratch. It gets used every winter and will take everything the tractor can dish out. After the brackets are mounted on the tractor, it only takes two minutes to put on. You only have to put two pins on the 5-in. channel iron axle brackets and put a chain in the slot on front.
The hardest part of building it was forming the curve in the heavy sheets of iron. I formed them by laying them on the ground on top of blocks of wood and then driving the tractor over them. I welded a hook to the point of the plow so if a vehicle is stuck in a driveway, I can plow right up to the bumper, hook the chain on, and pull it out backwards. (Carlton Schwefel, Rt. 2, Box 177, Watertown, Wis. 53098 ph 414 925-3723)
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