1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #38
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Rear Mounted Tractor Loader
Here's a rear-mounted tractor loader I've been using on my Case 485 for about a year.I like it better than a front-end loader be-cause you have better visibility and stability. The two-section loader is custom-built by Back-Pel here in Quebec, primarily for bi-directional tractors. It attaches to all Cat.
II and III 3 pts. and has a bottom section like a forklift mast, while the top section has twin 2 by 6-in. lift arms like a regular loader, only shorter. Besides a 3 1/2-ft. top bale prong, prongs are also available for the bottom portion of the loader so you can carry two bales. Every attachment for front end loaders - buckets, grabs, snowblades, forks, etc. - is available for the rear end loader. They cost about 25% less than a front-end loader, selling for $5,850 (Canadian) which includes a 72-in. bucket, round bale spear and safety roll. Anyone interested can con-tact me for more information. (Patrice Michaud, 6668 Irwin, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4E 4N8; ph 514 767-9995).

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