1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #37
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1971 Polaris-Snowmobile Converted To Snowwheeler
Here's a 1971 Polaris snowmobile I made into a convertible, multi-purpose vehicle I call my "Snowwheeler". The original track and drive system went bad and would have cost hundreds to repair. Since the machine's 295 cc engine still ran well, I figured I could still get some use out of it both winter and summer.I constructed a rear suspension swing arm out of 1 by 2-in., 1/8-in. thick steel tubing. I used 1-in. dia. cold rolled steel to make an axle I fitted with drive sprockets off a motorcycle, and hubs and wheels off a lawnmower. I used motorcycle shocks for suspension.
I constructed an axle frame for the front out of 2-in. sq., 1/8-in. thick angle iron. It bolts and welds onto the original steering components. I'm currently designing a sus-pension system for the front so it has independent suspension, front and rear.
The vehicle works great in summer as a 2-WD ATV. Once snow gets more than 3 or 4 in. deep, I can remove the front wheels, reinstall the original skis, and use it as a snowmobile again. Out of pocket cost was just $125. (Mark Brake, 2952 Sheets Rd., Ohio City, Ohio 45874 (ph 419 495-4171).

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