Grease Gun And Cartridge Carrier
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Here's a photo of a new invention that we think every farmer will want to mount on their tractors, combines and other equipment. It's a grease gun and cartridge carrier. It mounts anywhere with a single bolt. Carries a gun and two cartridge refills. It keeps the gun handy where you or your workers are more likely to use it more often, and eliminates stepped-on or damaged cartridges. Sells for $110. (Connie Mulder, K & M Manufacturing Co., Renville, Minn. 56284 ph 612 329-3301)

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Grease gun and cartridge carrier FARM SHOP Miscellaneous 15-3-35 Here's a photo of a new invention that we think every farmer will want to mount on their tractors, combines and other equipment. It's a grease gun and cartridge carrier. It mounts anywhere with a single bolt. Carries a gun and two cartridge refills. It keeps the gun handy where you or your workers are more likely to use it more often, and eliminates stepped-on or damaged cartridges. Sells for $110. (Connie Mulder, K & M Manufacturing Co., Renville, Minn. 56284 ph 612 329-3301)
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