1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #24
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Deutz-Allis 8070 Tractor
"My 1985 Deutz-Allis 8070 tractor rides and handles better since I lengthened the wheelbase. Traction is also improved," says Eugene Stufflebeam, Lewistown, Ill.Stufflebeam, who uses the 4-WD tractor for cultivating and plowing, says its wheelbase was built too short. "Deutz-Allis tractors have a shorter wheelbase than other front-wheel drive tractors on the market. The short wheel-base causes the tractor to ride rough and pull hard."
To solve the problem, Stufflebeam had his local dealer install a longer and bigger diameter driveshaft. The dealer jacked up the tractor's front end, unbolted the casting, and moved it for-ward 14 in. Then he drilled six 5/8 in. dia. holes in the frame and rebolted the driveshaft. The last step was to rebalance the new driveshaft to prevent possible vibration problems.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Eugene Stufflebeam, Rt. 2, Lewistown, Ill. 61542 (ph 309 547-2748).

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