1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #37
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Combine Tailings Monitor
I sell combine and grain drill monitors based on systems I built for my own equipment and have used for years.The combine tailings monitor is for Case-IH 1400 and 1600 series combines. The problem is that when you adjust your sieves to get a cleaner grain sample, the combines have a tendency to plug up the return auger and you have no way of knowing it happened. My system consists of an electronic sensor mounted on the right side of the combine between the top of the tailings elevator and rotor cage. You have to do a little tin-cutting to mount the sensor, which wires to a monitor with both visual and audio alarms in the cab. If a moderate build up starts in the return, the light flickers and if a heavy return builds up it becomes a steady light. It sells for $155 plus $3 to $5 S&H.
I also offer a low-cost electronic monitor for all makes of grain drills that tells you at a glance whether the drill's working, instead of having to turn around all the time to find out. It consists of a magnet and switch mounted close to any revolving shaft to alert the operator when a chain is thrown. You tape the magnet on the shaft and place the switch, which is enclosed in a plastic tube, parallel or sideways across the shaft. The switch wires to a monitor with audio and visual alarms inside the cab and is triggered whenever the magnet stops turning, indicating the shaft has stopped rotating. Including 20-ft. of wire, the system sells for $120 plus $3 to $5 S&H. I can also make systems for 2 and 3-gang drills with a monitor for each gang. (John Moffit, M&M Mfg., 299 Echo Ave., Mechanicsvile, Iowa 52306; ph 319 432-6583).

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