1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #36
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ATV Tow Bar
I used square steel tubing to build my own 10-ft. long ATV spray boom. It covers three 38-in. rows at a time. The 3-section boom is supported by an angle iron frame that bolts onto the ATV rack. A pair of chains keep the boom ends from sagging. The boom folds up neatly for transport. The 14-gal. tank is equipped with a 12-volt pump.Last spring I used the sprayer to apply Roundup in wet fields. I also used it in small corn to spot spray Banvel onto thistle patches. One problem is that there's no way to regulate sprayer pressure - I have to speed up or slow down to vary the application rate. I spent about $300 to build it which is more than I planned on. I spent about $70 for the nozzles and hoses alone. I probably didn't save more than $100 compared to a commercial sprayer of comparable size.
I also made my own ATV tow bar. The tongue is built from two sections of steel tub-the ATV. The pipe is connected to a steel plate that bolts onto the ATV's front guard. The tow bar folds up into three sections for transport. I spent about $75 to build it. (Richard Peden, 13109 N. 400 E., N. Manchester, Ind. 46962 ph 219 982-2218)

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