Hook And Eye Hitch
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In the 1950's I bought a Massey 35 tractor equipped with a hook and eye quick hitch. The hook raises and lowers with the 3-pt. and lets you hitch up to implements, wagons, and other equipment without getting off the tractor. A ring is mounted on the tongue of each piece of equipment you want to pull with it.
Recently, when I bought a new MF tractor, I was told I couldn't buy the hook and eye hitch in the U.S. even though they still make them in England. When I went to England on a trip soon after, I went to the MF factory in Coventry and nearly every tractor coming off the line for sale in Europe was fitted with the hitch. I bought one there and brought it back in my luggage to put on my tractor here.
This hitch is the handiest thing on my farm. Whe n Icalled MF's director of marketing in Des Moines, he couldn't tell me why the hitch isn't on the market here. Other manufacturers must make similar hitches in other parts of the world. Whose cage do we have to rattle to make them available in North America? (Allen E. Johnson, 20241 Hwy 65 N. E., Cedar, Minn. 55011 ph 612 434-5950)

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Hook and eye hitch HITCHES Hitches 15-3-34 In the 1950's I bought a Massey 35 tractor equipped with a hook and eye quick hitch. The hook raises and lowers with the 3-pt. and lets you hitch up to implements, wagons, and other equipment without getting off the tractor. A ring is mounted on the tongue of each piece of equipment you want to pull with it.
Recently, when I bought a new MF tractor, I was told I couldn't buy the hook and eye hitch in the U.S. even though they still make them in England. When I went to England on a trip soon after, I went to the MF factory in Coventry and nearly every tractor coming off the line for sale in Europe was fitted with the hitch. I bought one there and brought it back in my luggage to put on my tractor here.
This hitch is the handiest thing on my farm. Whe n Icalled MF's director of marketing in Des Moines, he couldn't tell me why the hitch isn't on the market here. Other manufacturers must make similar hitches in other parts of the world. Whose cage do we have to rattle to make them available in North America? (Allen E. Johnson, 20241 Hwy 65 N. E., Cedar, Minn. 55011 ph 612 434-5950)
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