1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #36
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Rotary Snow Plow
I'm sending along a photo of a rotary snow plow that I built during the winter of 1946-47 using odds and ends from a scrap pile. It used an automotive rear end, pulleys from an Allis Chalmers all-crop harvester, and hydraulic rams from an International cultivator. Belts off the drive pulley power the rear end, which direct-drives the snow thrower mounted on one side of the big angled blade that mounted on front of my Farmall H. It was a great snow mover that I used on my place until 1975. There's still nothing really like it on the market today. (Arthur Rasmussen, 1700-6 Woodlawn Rd., St. Augustine, Fla. 32095 904 824-0507)
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