1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #35
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Adjustable Clothes Line Hangs Em High
If you have trouble reaching a clothes line, or if freshly laundered clothes drag on the ground by the time you've loaded up your line, you'll like this height-adjustable model built by Hettrick, Ill., farmer George "Bing" Ribble out of odds and ends."It allows my wife, Melba, who's only 5-ft., 2-in. tall, to hang clothes at eye level, then crank up the post to as high as 2 ft. above eye level," Ribble says.
The adjustable post stands at the center of the Ribbles' 90-ft. long clothes line. It consists of a 2-in. dia. steel pipe cemented in the ground, inside which a 1 1/2-in. dia. center post telescopes.
Ribble attached a 6-in. boat winch to the outer post and a 3-in. dia. pulley to brackets at the top. A 12-ft. length of 5/16-in. dia. cable runs to the bottom of the telescoping inside post where it's secured with a cable clamp.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, George "Bing" Ribble, R.R. 2, Hettrick, Ill. 62649 (ph 618 778-5752).

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