1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #09
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Oil Transfer Can Made From Old Fire Extinguisher
"An old fire extinguisher pressurized with air makes a dandy oil transfer can for getting oil into hard-to-reach places, such as gearboxes and the differential on my 4-WD tractor," says D. Junior Stoesz, Butterfield, Minn."I can get the air, pressure up to 120 lbs., which means I can move even the thickest oil. The extinguisher holds up to 2 gal. of oil at once for transfer."
The fire extinguisher is equipped with a pressure gauge, a plastic valve, a 2 ft. long hose, and a quick-tach coupler equipped with a nozzle that clips onto the end of the hose to discharge the oil. Stoesz removes the top cap from the extinguisher and fills it 2/3 full with oil, then puts the cap back on and attaches the quick coupler on the hose to an air compressor hose to fill the rest of the tank with compressed air. To unload the oil from the extinguisher, he turns it upside down and opens a valve to discharge the oil. "Turning the extinguisher upside down ensures that oil is discharged under pressure," explains Stoesz.
Stoesz uses another extinguisher as a hand sprayer to spray herbicides high into fruit trees and to spray Roundup and 2,4-D into thistle patches. A 2-ft. long spray wand with a trigger gun is clipped onto the hose.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, D. Junior Stoesz, Rt. 1, Box 193, Butterfield, Minn. 56120 (ph 507 956-2644).

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