1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #33
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Computerized Employment Sevice
Business is booming for a nationwide computerized employment system that matches up ag employers and employees.Kennan & Co., of Garden City, Kan., says its AgJobsUSA has become the leading computerized employment service for the nation's beef cattle industry. Since it was started up in 1992 it has served more than 3,500 cattlemen and farmers.
"In a recent survey, using a scale of 1 to 10, employees gave the system an 8.6 average rating," says Kenneth Webster. "Employers also gave the system high marks. We're now in the process of expanding our service to dairy and pork producers as well."
The system matches employees' interests and abilities with agricultural employers' needs for quality long term help. In the system, 113 job descriptions are identified by four-digit codes. Each Friday morning, a custom job list for each sub-scribing employee is printed and mailed. These reports show names, addresses, and phone numbers for openings in each job code for which the employee indicates an interest.
An employee's availability is made known only when the employee person-ally makes contact with a potential employer. Notification of the availability of all employer job openings will be sent to all participating employees who indicate an interest in filling such an opening.
An employee search remains in the system for 60 days unless it is filled and canceled. If an employee who has not taken a job notifies AgJobsUSA within 10 days of the original 60-day deadline, the company can either extend the search for another 60 days without additional charge or send the applicant a one-time voucher which allows him/her to use the service free for another 60 days at a later date. After 60 days, if an extension or voucher is not requested, the service is canceled.
Once the employee receives a report of job openings, it becomes his/her responsibility to contact by phone, fax, or mail, employers with job openings.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kenneth Webster, Kennan & Co., P.O. Box 433, Garden City, Kan. 67846 (ph 800 352-0303).

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