1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #33
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They Put Big Flotation Tires On Anything That Moves
"If it moves, we can put flotation tires on it," says an Indiana company that specializes in putting big tires on everything from skid steer loaders right up to the biggest combines.Option Flotation Tire & Wheel, Otterbein, Ind., showed off a few of its applications at the recent Sunbelt Agricultural Exposition at Moultrie, Ga.
"We've equipped center pivots and Spra-Coupes with flotation tires, and next season we're even going to do a Great Plains drill," says founder Gary Rothrock. "Of course, we do a lot of tractors, grain carts, pull-type sprayers and combines. We use either 73 by 4400 by 32-in. or 68 by 5000 by 32-in. tires, the biggest flotation tires manufactured, on combine drive wheels."
The company fabricates specially expanded wheels to fit the tires, as well as fitting disks, plates and rims to match the implement's original bolt pattern.
The company can completely retrofit most any piece of machinery in about two weeks, he says.
Cost of retrofitting a combine, for ex-ample, can run as high as $10,000. Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Option Flotation Tire & Wheel, 10434 E. U.S. Hwy. 52, Otterbein, Ind. 47970 (ph 800 801-9999 or 317 583-1333; fax 1332).

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