1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #34
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Finger Pickup Test Stand For Deere Planters
You might want to tell your Deere dealer or local mechanic about this new finger pickup test stand built by Jackson-Lee-Pearson, Inc., a large Deere dealer in Flora, Ind."We needed a way to quickly test finger pickup units. It worked so well for us we decided to offer it to other dealers," says company representative Lynn Hufford.
You simply clamp each finger unit onto the test stand and run a sample of seed through it. A driveshaft runs the planter at a speed that simulates a field speed of 6¢
mph at a plant population of about 26,000 seeds per acre, a setting that simply acts as a benchmark for testing. A Deere planter monitor, mounted on the test stand, reads out the actual performance of the pickup unit.
"The test stand helps detect bad belts, worn plates, worn brushes, sticky fingers, worn finger holders, weak or damaged springs and units that might be out of adjustment. You save money by not replacing parts that don't need it and you don't have to wait till you get back out in the field next spring to see if a problem has been fixed," points out Hufford, noting that with the test stand he can always assure customers their planter wilLbe within 500 to 1,000 seeds accuracy.
Jackson-Lee-Pearson, Inc., charges farmers $9.00 per unit to test, parts extra. They've been using the test stand in their own shop for 4 years.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jackson-Lee-Pearson, Inc., P.O. Box 27, Flora, Ind. 46929 (ph 219 967-4164).

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