1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #28
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Major Tractor, Combine Salvage Yards
Here's a list of where to call or write to reach major salvage yards throughout the United States to find used parts for tractors and combines. Many yards are part of nationwide networks that track down hard-to-find parts and ship them by overnight express when needed in a hurry.ABC Company
Lechter, SD 57359
Phone 800-843-3721 (toll free)/605-248-2288
Abilene Machine
PO Box 281
Solomon, Kas. 67480
Phone 800-255-8337 (toll free)
Baker's Salvage
Rt. 3 Box 209X
Bishopville, S. Car. 29010
Phone 800-982-3438 (toll free)/800-922-2166 (in S. Car.)
Bates Corporation
(International tractors only)
Bourbon, Ind. 46504
Phone 219-342-2955
Bluemenshine Tractor Parts
Rt. 2
Washington, Ill. 61571
Phone 309-444-3620
Bozeman Machinery Tractor Salvage, Inc.
122 Idalou Rd.
Lubbock, Tex. 79403
Phone 806-763-5614
Brownsville Tractor Salvage
PO Box 26
Olmito, Tex. 78575
Phone 800-292-1593 (in Tex.)/512-350-5151
Central Michigan Tractor and Parts
2713 N. US 27
St. Johns, Mich. 48879
Phone 800-248-9263 (toll free)/800-292-9233 (in Mich.)
Central Tractor
1515 E. Euclid, Box 3330
Des Moines, Iowa 50376
Phone 800-247-7508 (toll free)/800-372-6117 (in Iowa)
Christian's Tractor Salvage
Rt. 9 Box 241
Tyler, Tex. 75706
Phone 214-597-3170
Everett Brothers
Box 339
Monrovia, Ind. 46157
Phone 317-996-3705
Farmer's Surplus
PO Box 1765
Minot, N. Dak. 58701
Phone 701-838-5318/701/838-6669
Fleeman Tractor Salvage
Rt. 2
Manilla, Ark. 72442
Phone 800-382-3822 (toll free)/800-643-6644 (in Ark.)
Florin Tractor Parts
8345 Florin Rd
Sacramento, Cal.
Phone 916-383-0317
Joe Goodman Tractor Parts Co.
PO Box 80957
Lincoln, Neb. 68501
Phone 402-489-7173
Hill-T Farm Sales & Service
4295 Richmond-Palestine Rd.
New Madison, Ohio 45346
Phone 513-548-0718
Iowa Falls Tractor Parts
Rt. 3 Box 330A
Iowa Falls, Iowa 50126
Phone 800-232-3276 (toll free)/800-328-7278 (in Iowa)
Meyers Combine and Tractor Salvage
Aberdeen, S. Dak. 57401
Phone 605-225-0185
Myers Tractor Parts
3190 S. Elm Ave.
Fresno, Cal. 93706
Phone 209-268-8726/209-266-4605
Mid-South Tractor Parts, Inc.
Rt. 2 Box 316
Sikeston, Mo. 63801
Phone 800-325-7070 (toll free)/314-471-3969
Schwanke Tractor and Truck, Inc.
PO Box 34
Willmar, Minn. 56201
Phone 612-235-4341
Smith Implement Co. Inc.
Hwy 170
Downing, Wis. 54734
Phone 800-826-2806 (toll free)/800-472-2815 (in Wis.)
South-Central Tractor Parts
Rt. 1 Box 1
Leland, Miss. 38756
Phone 800-247-1237 (toll free)/800-247-1238 (in Miss.)
Spallinger Combine Parts
(combines only)
2325 Co Rd 28
Bluffton, Ohio 45817
Phone 419-358-8333
Surplus Tractor Parts Corp.
PO Box 2125
Fargo, N. Dak. 58107
Phone 701-235-7503
Tractorland, Inc.
21921 Alessandro
Riverside, Cal. 92508
Phone 800-854-8515 (toll free)/714-656-3585
Washington Tractor Parts
Rt. 2
Washington, Ill. 61571
Phone 309-444-3620
Watertown Tractor Parts
2510 9th Ave. SW
Watertown, S. Dak. 57201
Phone 800-843-4413 (toll free)/800-952-5521 (in S. Dak.)
Wenger's Farm Machinery Inc.
South Race St.
Myerstown, Penn.
Worthington Tractor Salvage, Inc.
Rt. 4 Box 14
Worthington, Minn. 56187
Phone 800-533-5304 (toll free)/800-622-3191 (in Minn.)

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