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Big Bale Unroller
"My design fora big bale unroller is more compact than commercial bale movers and unrollers, and the cylinder is better protected," says Bob Stoffel, Bernard, Iowa.
"Other unrollers have a two-way cylinder that pushes the spear arms together like a scissors. I built my unroller so the spear arms pivot on the very end using the cylinder to pull the arms together.
"We use the machine to dig bales out of the shed and transport them to the feeding area. To unroll, we turn the bale cross-wise, spear the core of the bale, and roll it along the ground.
"We also use the unroller to carry a small cage to bring in newborn calves, or sows with pigs, from the pasture. We pick up the cage by spearing two holes in the 4 by 6-in. beams that make up the cage frame."
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, Bob Stoffel, 2418 Stoffel Road, Bernard, Iowa 52032 (ph 319 879-3160).

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #6