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Fertilizer Spreader Bunk Feeder
Scott Marbach, Decatur, Ind., turned an old fertilizer spreader box with a worn-out running gear into a 6-ton bunk feeder for grain.
"We added sides and a roof to the spreader box, boosting capacity. That lets us grind up to 6 tons of feed when we have time so we aren't bothered with grinding during busy seasons when we have other work to do.
"I installed a 6-in. dia. auger through the bottom of the spreader box, driven by a 1/3-hp. electric motor and an elevator gearbox. The auger extends out the side of the spreader box out over a feed bunk. I drilled 2-in. dia. holes every 10 to 12 in. along the length of the auger over the feed bunk to let feed out onto the bunk.
"Now all we have to do is flip a switch to load feed into the bunk. In the past we carried grain by hand."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Scott Marbach, Rt. 5, Box 170, Decatur, Ind. 46733 (ph 219 724-9310).

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #5