1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #30
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Pressure Handle Takes Work Out Of Drilling
"It's especially handy when drilling from underneath in close quarters," says the manufacturer of the "Pressure Handle" that installs on any portable electric or pneumatic drill.It lets you chain the drill up to what-ever you're working on in order to sup-port the drill's weight. It also pulls the drill into the hole. You simply remove the existing handle and screw in the pressure handle. Fasten one end of the chain around what you're drilling, and run the other end over a slotted wheel on the handle. Twisting the handle slightly causes a gear mechanism to crank up the chain, which pulls the drill toward the work.
"The drill requires very little pushing by the operator. It's especially handy for drilling big holes," says Carl Geiser. "It's been available since 1945 but isn't well known because we've never advertised it and have no distributors."
Sells for $129.95 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Pressure Handle Co., 399 Hughes St., Swoyersville, Penn. 18704 (ph 717 288-5282).

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