1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #29
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Reversed Fins On Combine Make It Easier To Bale Straw
Everett Anderson wanted to bale the straw behind his 1981 Massey Ferguson 860 combine but he had a problem. He could slide the straw chopper ahead, allowing the straw to drop behind the combine, but that left a swath as wide as the combine and too wide for the baler's pickup.To solve the problem, he unbolted the chopper knives and slid them forward out of the way, then unbolted the three deflector fins on the right side of the combine and moved them to the left side. He moved the fins on the left side to the right side. The repositioned fins now deflect straw inward instead of outward, leaving a windrow that's less than 4 ft. wide.
"The windrow is narrow enough that even heavy straw is easy to bale," says Anderson. "The straw chopper continues to rotate and straw still goes through it, but it doesn't get chopped up because the knives have been removed. It takes only about 15 minutes to do. I think the same idea would work on other older model combines."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Everett Anderson, Rt. 1, Box 105, Crookston, Minn. 56716 (ph 218 281-1206).

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