1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #29
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Easy Way To Empty Planter Seed Boxes
If you change seed corn varieties a lot or grow corn in test plots, you'll like this planter modification made by Jay Strom, Guelph, Ontario.Strom grows about 50 acres of sweet corn in 70 different plots, one for each day of his marketing season, so he has to empty the seed boxes often on his Deere 7000 planter. The problem was that whenever he tipped the box upside down in order to dump out unused seed, a handful always got trapped inside the plastic boot over the finger pickup unit. As a result he had to shake the box up and down several times before all the seed fell out.
He solved the problem by simply cutting a 3-in. long, 1-in. wide hole on top of the boot, allowing all the seed inside the boot to fall out as soon as the box is tipped up.
"All of the seed usually comes out with one tip of the box, and if the fingers are still holding any seed I can see it," says Strom.
"If I plan to put more than a couple of pounds of seed in the hopper, I cover the hole in order to keep seed from falling into the fingers and overloading them. A flap of rubber inner tube or some duct tape will do the job. New boots sell for only about $12 apiece so it wouldn't be very expensive to replace the modified boots if I ever wanted to."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jay Strom, Stroms Sweet Corn, Rt. 7, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6J4 (ph 519 822-1070).

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