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Feed And Water Wagon
"My feed-and-water wagon lets me feed and water 175 sows in half the time it took before," says Gary Malone, Palisade, Neb.
Malone mounted an old combine hop-per and a 300-gal. water tank on the frame of an old 1-ton International pickup, with the hopper on top of the water tank. Feed gravity-flows from a slide chute on one side of the hopper. Water also flows out by gravity through a faucet on one end of the tank. Malone fills 5-gal. buckets which he dumps into troughs alongside quonsettype farrowing huts in his pasture.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gary Malone, Box 46A, Palisade, Neb. 69040 (ph 308 285-3440).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #6