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Manure Odor Control System
If you farm near town or near neighbors who object to the smell of manure, you'll be interested in a new odor control system that automatically eliminates farm smells.
Sterling Industrial, located in England, first developed the smell-chasing equipment for sewage and industrial uses. They got into the farm business when the owner of a 150-cow dairy near Whitchurch, in Hampshire - who had close suburban neighbors - nearly lost his farm because of legal action against the smell of his above-ground slurry tank. The farmer tried additives, "perfume" masking agents, and aeration with only partial success. Then he heard that Sterling Industrial was installing a new odor control system at a sewage disposal plant for a nearby community. Sterling worked with the farmer to custom-design a system that solved the problem.
The Sterling system consists of an automatic pump that sprays chemicals into the air through as many as 10 spray nozzles spaced around a slurry tank or lagoon. The specially mixed chemicals interact with the smells to totally neutralize the odors.
"It doesn't just cover up the smell. It gets rid of it by scientifically combining molecules from two dissimilar odors that neutralize each other. Our research scientists tailor each chemical to the particular odor we're trying to eliminate," says marketing controller Pauline Rigg.
The Sterling system works automatically. It can be hooked up to an electronic wind vane which will activate the system only when the wind blows toward town or neighbors. The company says that under most situations they can eliminate 95% of all odor.
The first farm odor control system for the English farmer cost about $7,500 with an estimated running cost of $15 per week. It has 10 spray nozzles, four on the corners of the dairy barn and 6 around the slurry tank. The nozzles spray a mixture of two chemicals into the air whenever slurry is being hauled or agitated and the wind is blowing toward town.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sterling-Winthrop House, Onslow Street, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4YS England (ph 0483 505515).

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #6