1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #25
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Rotating Weed Wiper
More effective weed kill is promised with the "Rollmaster", a rotating weed wiper that coats the underside of leaves on weeds that extend above the crop.It uses two rollers - a reservoir tube on top of a larger diameter roller that's chain-driven by a batery-driven motor. Roundup and a polymer thickener are poured into the reservoir tube (the thickener keeps the herbicide from dripping). As the rollers revolve in opposite directions, the reservoir tube automatically transfers the mixture to the botom roller which applies chemical to the underside of the weed leaves. The herbicide is completely protected from the rain and the sticky mixture allows it to be used in windy conditions.
The reservoir tube has baffles inside it to keep all the chemical from flowing to one end when working on hillsides.
Models available to mount behind a tractor or ATV in widths from 3 1/2 to 24 ft. A 24-ft. model sells for $6,800.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Carier Rollmaster Ltd., East Street, Braintree, Essex CM7 3JL, England (ph 01376 331025; fax 01376 552562).

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